Mount Thorley Warkworth Induction Approval Form
Please complete all mandatory fields in a separate form for each Inductee
Site Contact Details
Site Contact
Commercial & Warehouse- Lachlan Anderson
Commercial & Warehouse- Ryan Jones
Projects- Andrew Hodge
Projects- Brendan Behringer
HR- Emma Richards
Mining- Tim Veness
Mining- John Najor
Mining - Trent Goddard
Mining - Robert McGrath
Mining - Chad Reti
Exploration- Rebecca Jackson
Exploration- Mitchell Graham
Tech Services- Chris Collier
Tech Services- Liz Moule
Tech Services- Steven Hope
Training- Felicity Moore
Environment and Community- Gary Mulhearn
Maintenance - Brett Crouch
Maintenance- Chris McNamara
Maintenance- Martin Phillips
Maintenance- Brett Porter
Maintenance- Wayne Butterfield
CHPP- John Burgess
CHPP- Andrew Coffey
CHPP - Meyyappan Meyyappan
Health & Safety- Adam Rice
CHPP- Alexander Duggan
CHPP - Leah Miller
CHPP - John Stevenson
General - John Cameron
Site Contact Email
Company Details
Company Name
Requester Name
First Name
Last Name
Requester Position
Requester Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Requester Email
Date of Request
Operation & Department
If "Other" Please Specify
Inductee Details
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Contractor Category
Cat 1 (Managed)
Cat 3 (Serviced)
What role will the inductee be carrying out on the MTW site? (You can select multiple roles by holding down the ctrl key and making another selection)
MTW - Apprentice Electrical
MTW - Apprentice Mechanical
MTW - Apprentice Other
MTW - Beltman
MTW - Cable Jointer /Repairer/Terminator/Data/Phone
MTW - Condition Monitoring Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
MTW - Electrical Engineer
MTW - Emergency Service Officer
MTW - General Contractor/Non Office Based Worker
MTW - General Contractor/Office Based Worker
MTW - Geologist
MTW - Health Professional
MTW - Inspector/Certifier
MTW - Laser User Technician
MTW - Locksmith
MTW - Operator CHPP
MTW - Operator Crane
MTW - Operator Dogman
MTW - Operator Driller
MTW - Operator HME
MTW - Operator HME Trainee
MTW - Operator Plant (not HME)
MTW - Operator Rigger
MTW - Operator Scaffolder
MTW - Permanent Employee
MTW - Pest Management & Fumigation
MTW - Security Officer
MTW - Statutory Position
MTW - Store Person
MTW - Supervisor/Leading Hand/Project Manager
MTW - Technician - Asbestos Removal
MTW - Technician - Other
MTW - Technician - Vending Machine Technician & Office Equipment
MTW – Tradesperson - Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic
MTW - Tradesperson Auto Electrician
MTW - Tradesperson - Automotive Air Conditioning Mechanic
MTW - Tradesperson - HME Tyre Fitter
MTW - Tradesperson - Other
MTW - Trainer/Assessor
MTW - Transport Operator - Dangerous Goods, Bulk Explosives
MTW - Transport Operator - Delivery Driver
MTW - Transport Operator - Total Load Service
MTW - Unsupervised Explosives Handler
MTW – ESI Distribution Line Work
What qualifications has the inductee obtained relevant to completing the planned tasks for the nominated role?
What experience has the inductee gained to perform the above listed tasks for the nominated role?
MANDATORY REQUIREMENT - Please upload a copy of the Letter of Competency for the Applicant above
Browse Files
Acceptable file formats are pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, rtf or zip. Maximum file size is 500Kb
Please upload any supporting documentation for the applicant mentioned above (e.g. trade papers)
Browse Files
Multiple files need to be zipped together into a single file. Maximum file size is 5Mb
This approval is only for the person named above to attend the Yancoal induction for the Mount Thorley Warkworth site.
requirements under the persons selected job role must be met through the Pegasus Booking Portal before induction authorisation will be considered.
I acknowledge the above statement and have attached all required supporting documentation to this application
Submit for Approval
Approver Password
Approval / Reject
I, the undersigned as the authorised Yancoal representative for the above-named person confirm that all requirements have been met and approve this application.
I, the undersigned as the authorised Yancoal representative for the above-named person confirm that all requirements have NOT been met and reject this application.
If Rejected Please State Reason
Testing - Tim Workman
Commercial & Warehouse- Lachlan Anderson
Commercial & Warehouse- Ryan Jones
Projects- Andrew Hodge
Projects- Brendan Behringer
HR- Emma Richards
Mining- Tim Veness
Mining- John Najor
Mining - Trent Goddard
Mining - Robert McGrath
Mining - Chad Reti
Exploration- Rebecca Jackson
Exploration- Mitchell Graham
Tech Services- Chris Collier
Tech Services- Liz Moule
Tech Services- Steven Hope
Training- Felicity Moore
Environment and Community- Gary Mulhearn
Maintenance- John Cameron (all Electrical roles)
Maintenance- Chris McNamara
Maintenance- Martin Phillips
Maintenance- Brett Porter
Maintenance- Brett Crouch
Maintenance- Wayne Butterfield
CHPP- John Burgess
CHPP- Andrew Coffey
CHPP- John Stevenson
CHPP- Meyyappan Meyyappan
CHPP- Alexander Duggan
CHPP - Leah Miller
Health & Safety- Adam Rice
Date of Approval / Rejection
Should be Empty: